Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine Bargains

As a teacher and bargain shopper, I can't help myself, I check out the shelves of leftover holiday goodies.  Things will be 50% off at most stores tomorrow.  By the end of the week it will go to 75% and then the beginning of next week it will be 90% off.  I try to stop by every other day or so, and keep an eye on the inventory.  Some things won't last until 75% and there won't be much left by 90%.  I got a boat-load of boxes of valentines last year for 25 cents each.  We should be set for years.  There should be valentines pencils, cookie cutters (great for baking, play dough, painting with, and other crafts), candy hearts for sorting, and more.  Check out all your local holiday stores.

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